Hey guys, I recently picked up a Radeon HD 7850 IceQ and I'm ready for my next upgrade. I'm looking for a motherboard and CPU to help complement my new GPU. I plan on running Crossfire in the future so I am hoping to find a motherboard with 2x PCIe running at full speeds (16x 16x). Now, I have a budget of $300 for both the CPU and the MoBo. What do you guys think it the best route for me to go? After looking at many of the AM3+ motherboard reviews on NewEgg I am somewhat disappointed at all the DOA and boards that needed to be RMA. Also, what do you guys think of the APUs from AMD? How well does the "dual video" work? Would a APU with a HD7760D built in work as efficiently as crossfire with my 7850? I am somewhat new to AMD products so any help would be greatly appreciated!