Question Need GrandMaster levels of help please - - - Drivers/Bootloop ?

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Feb 12, 2018
Okay this will get complicated I will try to explain this as best as I can. First let me lay some ground work. I built this pc years ago, I originally used an ssd with windows 10 but later on started using an NVME drive. I made the very common mistake of installing windows 10 on the NVME drive whilst the ssd was connected. As you're well aware, this results in the NVME being unable to handle the boot procedure of windows 10, relying on the SSD to boot into the NVME's Windows 10 environement because stuff gets written to the SSD instead of the NVME.

Well, a few days ago I used Snappy Driver to install drivers for "This PC" and it did not go well. After it was done rebooting, stuff like Logitech Gaming Software refused to work. The computer felt off, so I decided to restart the computer again, this resulted in a boot loop, I could not escape the Windows Recovery Environement. Snappy Driver failed to create a restore point, somehow I only had 1 restore point about a day earlier, that resulted in failure. Amongst fiddling with different solutions, I reconnected my SSD while the computer was off, when I turned the computer on I could smell something burning. The SSD died.

So here I am, I have 1 usb with Windows 10 Iso Burned onto it. I have 1 usb with an Emergency Windows 10 Enviroment called Hiren's Boot Disk, this has stuff like LazeSoft Recovery Suite, Partition Extender, stuff to try and get you out of this situation. None have worked however, its been about 3 days of me trying different solutions. Using this USB I can see all the files on my NVME, I am thinking to drag and drop the entire 500gbs onto my HDD. When I used the Windows 10 Iso to reinstall windows I get error 0x80300024. I already tried the cmd commands. Pressing the "Repair this PC" from the Windows 10 iso just results in the Blue Windows Recovery Environement, it doesn't help. I tried disabling Fast boot, enabling csm in the bios but I'm not sure I did a well enough job.

Please I need some real pro level help. Just to recap I face two issues, one my NVME has bad drivers installed - I can't post. Two, my NVME cannot boot windows as it doesn't have a bootloader / always relied on my SSD for booting which has now fried.

Edit: Obviously the NVME is very important to me, I don't want to lose system settings, files, preferences etc.
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