[SOLVED] need help 2081ti

Feb 14, 2021
Hey so I have used DDU done a fresh install of everything and my PC keeps crashing to desk top from games like apex, hitman 2 and 3, pretty much anything that pulls on the gpu. i can sometimes play the bigger games on low settings but my friends running the same thing as me but a 1070 can play on high and get 100+fps when im on low getting like 70 if im lucky, I have never posted before I have run 3D mark and it crashes midway I just need some tips that maybe i havent tried or if I need to worry about saving up and upgrading either my gpu cpu or MB

  1. CPU I7 7700k (not OC )
  2. ASUS maximus IX code version 1301
  3. DDR4 16gb 4200mhz running at 3200
  4. 2080TI evga XC ultra
  5. 850w PS
I just realized that may be the problem. Maybe your cpu is bottlenecking the gpu?
He said his friend gets better frame rates with a GTX1070 in an otherwise identical system, so a CPU bottleneck should land him at least at roughly the same scores assuming all settings are exactly the same for everything in drivers, Windows and in-game.


Jan 14, 2021
dang that mush be a bottleneck if I ever saw one. a four core 8 thread cpu with a 11gb gddr6 gpu???

(Hint: A 7700k is equal to a 10100f :/)

for the actual problem have you tried resetting your pc and not reinstalling from a fresh install? have you also tried going back to a older driver version or older version of windows 10?