So currently I have a Spectrum ISP with the 1gbs speeds they gave me a wifi 6 router but it sucks can't even login to it and the signal drops all the time and even on ethernet which I researched the type of wifi 6 router spectrum gave me and there seems too be hundreds of threads of the same issue so it's definitely the router I also recently moved and have way more stuff connected to my router now.
Me and my wifes parents all bought a big house together so there is a top and bottom floor along with 4 computers 4 iphones 2 printers 6+ tv's connected normally at any time lol. upwards of 15-20 things connected to my router at anytime. Now my main question is also I plan on spending 200-300$ and I was looking at the Asus ones now would it be better for me to buy a Nice dual band router like Asus RTAX86U or buy a Tri-band router for the extra 5ghz lane?
Me and my wifes parents all bought a big house together so there is a top and bottom floor along with 4 computers 4 iphones 2 printers 6+ tv's connected normally at any time lol. upwards of 15-20 things connected to my router at anytime. Now my main question is also I plan on spending 200-300$ and I was looking at the Asus ones now would it be better for me to buy a Nice dual band router like Asus RTAX86U or buy a Tri-band router for the extra 5ghz lane?