[SOLVED] Need help choosing a Silent HDD for a 24/7 system

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Dec 25, 2017
I got an M.2 NVME for C drive and another SSD for my projects and other works, I just need about 4 to 6TB of storage for Archive (mostly video)
Speed is not important at all, I just want something that is SILENCE and works 24/7 (my current WD Greens both become clicky from 3 years ago, I did many test and nothing seems wrong with them except audible clicks)

if CLICKLESSNESS! is not possible from modern Hard drives, do you recommend some low grade SSD like Samsung QVO 4TB?

Look for NAS and Surveilance drives. They are designed for 24/7 operation.
WD RED, Purple,
Seagate Skywawk, Ironwolf.

Avoid SMR drives. They have inconsistent write performance.
(although for archiving type workloads they might be fine, I still wouldn't choose them)
my current WD Greens both become clicky from 3 years ago
How many years of service were they under? WD drives as well as some of the lower tier drives(not brands) exhibit a clicky sound when you fill them to their brim, this noise gets worse over time due to wear and tear.

If you have the funds, then yes the QVO's are the only drives I would recommend as being a good balance of speed and storage size in a quality package. You could look into lower tier SSD's and avoid the altogether.
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my current WD Greens both become clicky from 3 years ago
How many years of service were they under? WD drives as well as some of the lower tier drives(not brands) exhibit a clicky sound when you fill them to their brim, this noise gets worse over time due to wear and tear.

If you have the funds, then yes the QVO's are the only drives I would recommend as being a good balance of speed and storage size in a quality package. You could look into lower tier SSD's and avoid the altogether.

5 years of service / after about 2 years they both start clicking (I test them with everything and no program found anything wrong with them/ no issue what so ever)
and no they are never path 50% capacity
It seems that this annoying sound is a "feature" from WD and they call it "Preventative Wear Leveling"

Wanting a quiet HDD is not reasonable thing anymore! I should go for full SSD system
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Look for NAS and Surveilance drives. They are designed for 24/7 operation.
WD RED, Purple,
Seagate Skywawk, Ironwolf.

Avoid SMR drives. They have inconsistent write performance.
(although for archiving type workloads they might be fine, I still wouldn't choose them)

I've never heard of this Shingled Magnetic Recording (Shingled !!! lol)
then I read this and I think i skip HDD altogether
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