Need help :D



Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.nvidia (More info?)

Hi nVidia fans!

The last time I bought a graphics card was nearly two years ago. It was the
GF4 Ti4600 4x. Back then it was *the* fastest card of all time and I loved
it ever since. Nowadays, I think it's getting a little old now and I do
experience the odd lag and drop in frame rates. I play games like UT2004,
C&C Generals to name a few and *will* definately get Doom 3 when it comes
out in August (?).

At the moment I'm considering whether it would be worth getting a GFFX
5900XT as it is the only *affordable* high-end card in the market at the
moment. The GF 6800 aka NV40 is out of the question with that price tag! :D

I prefer to play my games at or near the native resolution of 1280x1024
(yep, I have an LCD TFT 17''). The GF4 doesn't really like that resolution
maybe because it's bandwidth is capped at 4x.

So would a 5900XT give me a *good average* (preferably 75+) frame rate?

Sys specs:

Althon XP Barton 2600+ @333Mhz
1GB dual channel DDR SDRAM
nForce 2 Chipset
450W PSU

Games like (fast action):

C&C Generals
Warcraft 3 RoC
Euro 2004 Portugal
....Doom 3...

preferably all at 1280x1024 32bit color.


Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.nvidia (More info?)

> now and I do experience the odd lag and drop in frame rates. I play
> games like UT2004, C&C Generals to name a few and *will* definately
> get Doom 3 when it comes out in August (?).
> At the moment I'm considering whether it would be worth getting a GFFX
> 5900XT as it is the only *affordable* high-end card in the market at
> the moment. The GF 6800 aka NV40 is out of the question with that
> price tag! :D

Wait until Doom 3 is actually out. Then take another look at the market.
It may be that the 6800 based cards will become more reasonably priced or
the 5900 series may drop in price.