need help deciding!! 8600 or 8800?!


Mar 23, 2007
so there are these 2 cards a 86 and 88. they both hve the exact same GPU and Memory speed (650GPU and 2000mem) however the stream processors is 32 on the 86 and 96 on the 88 plus the 88 has 320mb of ram at 320bit where the 86 has 256mb at 128bit. The 86 that im lookin at is nice and cheap ($184) the 88 is $329. Which should I get. Basicly ill get the 86 money wise if it answers yes to this question which i need ur help on. When Gears of War comes out for PC if i had the 8600 could i run it at 1600 x 1200 with med-high settings? If yes ill buy the 86 if no ill wait till January for the 8800. Please help!

EDIT: Currently i have a 6200 PCI with 256mb at 128bit so both cars would be a great leap but i want your guys feedback


Windows Vista or Windows XP
Processor 2.4+ GHz Intel; 2.0+ Ghz AMD
Hard Drive 12 GB free hard drive space
Video Card NVIDIA GeForce 6600+, ATI X700+
Online Multi-player: Broadband Internet Connection, Games for Windows -- LIVE Gold Subscription

with the minimum vid card a 6600 i think both cards would do just fine
i have the pny 8600 gts and runs all my games fine, but if you can wait get the 8800. also it depends on the size of the case you have you might want to make sure the 8800 will fit in it.
ill get the 86, as much as i want the 88 when id get it is to close to christmas and my case has plenty of room for it a good 12" thanx
Seriously just wait one week and check out the 8800 gt cards when they come out.. will be cheaper then the gts you looked at and from what has been seen, will perform better.
Hellgate:London lists "8800 series video card" as a recommendation. I expect new games to do things like that too in the future. I think the 8600GTS will have trouble handling new games.

Neither one wait for the new generations next month !!! ----- :sol:
i liek the oen that zenmaster pointed out. Ill get the new 88 if its cheap and does come out monday but otherwise im sticking with the 86 and wtf is with the big gap in stream processors? the 88 has 96 and the 86 has 32?!!! why didnt they make a 64? or is that what the new 88gt is gona be?
The 8800GT is going to have 112 shaders (a.k.a. stream processors) and faster clocks. The reason it's selling for less is due to the 65nm process it is built on. It's a single slot card (pro and con) and will sell for about $200-250. I would definitely wait for it. If you google it you can see some links showing coming fairly close to the 8800GTX.
im having trouble openign the link but can u understand i luv the 88's and want one but money wise i cant. unless the new GT is alot cheaper like under $260 then ill go for it i was just askin because that 86 seemed like a good card except for the 1/3 stream processors that the 88GTS had so i asked
I did have some problems opening it myself, but just keep trying!

The will start selling the card in belgium for about 225euro's. (thats about 240/250 US dollars)
So, pricewise its quit cheap.

It's opening really slow for me also, I figured it was because the site is from Australia. I'm with the others here recommending you wait for the 8800GT. From the looks it will be faster and cheaper than that 8800GTS 320m card you linked to (which was already much faster than that 8600). Who can argue with faster and cheaper? It's got me wanting to upgrade my 850XT now since I want something that will be faster and not cost much over $200.

because there aint much of a diffrence and id rather pay $199 for something thats not quite what it should be than over 200 (even though 199.99 is pretty much 200) lol and i just changed my 8600 choice because of the more memory. But if the 8800GT is what everyone says it will be ill get that instead obviously.
btw unless im missing something isnt the 8800GT gona be better than the GTS? if so wouldnt the 8800GTS price go way down?
well mondays comin and im makin my purchese of w\e card in like 11-13days
oh and ethier way a 86 or 88 would be a great leap for me as i was always buying like 2yo PCI cards (never had a AGP or PCIe slot until last month when i built my new computer) so im using a 6200 256PCI card lol so having a chance liek this to buy a high end card at the top of the heap is awesome and i want to buy the right one

EDIT lol 3dmark06 gave my system a 402 because of the video card. I wonder how'd uit do with a 8800? and yeah im definitly goan get a 8800GT. I wanna buy a card that will last me and my compuetr a good deal of tiem befoe i build my next machine

OMG Phantom, don't buy PNY R U CRAZY?!?!?! I have been buying them for years, but I recently had two boards different PNY video cards go out on me, I was with the 3 year warranty, however, PNY refused to RMA both video cards. Beside thats other companies offer factory over clocked cards with life time warranties.

For example BFG make great video cards and they are a USA owned company. They offer tons of over clocked cards and all of their video cards have a life time warranty.

BFG 8600 GT 169.00 with a 50.00 mail in rebate through 10-31-07


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