Need help deciding which tech to upgrade/eliminate (PC, PS5, MacBook, iPad)

Jul 23, 2024
I want to apologize in advance, as I will try to keep this short but it may drag a bit. I am a grad student exploring upgrading some tech and getting rid of a device, but am uncertain what will be best. I had some extra money after/during undergrad from working constantly, and wasted on money on things I didn't necessarily need.

My current situation tech wise is as so:
  • Custom PC (32gb ddr4 ram, i9-9900k, 2070 super)
    • some gaming use, stream setup from ps5, and multi-tasking/occasional school projects
  • PS5
    • 99% of my gaming use as it runs most modern games better than my PC does lol (especially AAA titles)
  • 2017 MacBook Pro (2.9ghz Quad-Core Intel i7, Radeon 560 graphics, 512gb)
    • Most of my assignments are done here, as well as multi-tasking both on the go and with my TS3 dock with the monitors that are connected to my PC
    • also where i use all of my microsoft office apps as i feel like they run a little better on the mac vs ipad
  • 2018 iPad Pro 12.9” (64gb storage which is almost maxed out from just notes, WiFi only)
    • gets all of my note taking, as well as a large amount of media consumption
I have come to the conclusion that there is little benefit for me having all of these. In a perfect world, I would dump the PC and get a new MacBook Pro or similar Mac. This is also a strong case for me because I LOVE macOS and the productivity I have become accustomed to with it. The only hesitancy here is that game developers have still given little support to gaming on Mac despite some of the recent port options apple has provided and the insane hardware with apple silicone. So here are the options I have considered in terms of what to get rid of, keep, and/or upgrade. In every case, I would keep my PS5 since I do almost all my gaming on it and have done so for years.
  1. Upgrade PC (probably just going to have to build a whole other system if I really want a performance increase), sell my MacBook Pro and try to make the transition to all of my on-the-go tasks being completed on my iPad Pro. Realistically, I could keep the current PC, but games just don't run at the same resolution and fps that my PS5 can push.
  2. Sell the PC, buy a new MacBook (or even a Mac mini/studio?) while keeping my iPad Pro. Gives me portability, keeps the ecosystem benefits and my main aspect of note taking and school tasks in the iPad. I'm used to multitasking on MacBooks and with my thunderbolt dock I can take advantage of the monitors and accessories I already have.
  3. Sell the PC, keep current MacBook Pro, while upgrading my iPad Pro. This would lead me to using the iPad Pro for basically all of my everyday tasks, while still having the macbook for streaming gameplay from PS5, and multi-tasking for tasks that need a little more real estate or just function better on MacOS vs iPadOS. But the computing power of the iPad will probably be more than my mac at that point lol. This also solves my current memory issue on my iPad Pro, with only about 6 GBs of storage left.
  4. Don't buy anything and either sell my pc or macbook. Simplest option and I can always upgrade down the road if I feel like my remaining items are lacking for what I do.
All that being said... I would love to hear feedback from others. Whether thats which one of my choices you think is best, or a new idea completely. I am relatively budget limited (i don't want to spend 3500 on a top line pc or mac), but am not afraid to spend some cash for things I will gain improvement from. I also don't mind going the used route if I think I can find a better deal that will still last me years to come.

Thanks for taking the time to read this mess, and I appreciate any feedback!


I will admit up front that I am biased against Apple. I know they make some really good products and particularly when you have the other parts of the ecosystem like the watch, the phone and all that. What I don't like it how they plan obsolescence in order to maintain the high level of performance they tout.

You could conceivably spend a significant amount less building a new PC that performed the gaming and work tasks that you want as compared to the Apple products and with far more powerful hardware.

I don't personally like to work from laptops or tablets.

So, with those factors in mind, I would put it like this. Since you know you like the PS for gaming, and you also mention your preference to the MacOS it really seems that the shoe in decision would be to go Apple if you have the available funds to do so. Particularly more if you have the other items to fit that walled garden. The poignant part to me is your mention of having spent too much already on this aspect of your day to day. If this was weighted more than other aspects, then a PC is the sure-fire way to go IMO.