[SOLVED] Need Help Identifying This GPU Quickly!

They've used that cooler on a few different cards but based on what I've seen that's probably the GF210 1gb. Anything more powerful uses a different heatsink. Older cards with that same HS tend to have a red pcb. I'd give it 90% match, based on 2 minutes of googling.

All I did was google PCI MSI GPU low profile, clicked the pictures tab and started scrolling.
If it is go to Device Manager..............Display adapters.........................left click arrow, now right click the next pop up

Right click and go to Properties................on the pop up box click Details...........Now Device descriptions pull down the arrow to Hardware ID.

Take that top string of numbers and copy and pasted into google.
I haven't found the exact chips displayed, but it looks like a variant of a GT 520. Whatever it is, it's a very old dirt-cheap GPU, useful only so that you can physically access Windows on a PC without integrated graphics. Probably something chucked into a $500 FX-4100 build in 2012.