Question Need Help! Lenovo h430 USB ports not working!

Jun 21, 2020
Hello guys!

I need your help regarding my pc. My usb ports are not working all the back ports are not working but 1 of the 2 front usb port is working so I am using USB hub to power my peripherals... Now the question is how do I know if its my case's fault or motherboard's fault or even BIOS maybe....

I need to fix it and get rid of this pc asap so I can build a new Pc.

Your help would be much appreciated.

My PC specs:

CPU: Intel Core i5 3570s
Mobo: Lenovo Mahobay(H61)
Ram: Samsung 8GB 1600 MHz
Psu: 430 watts
Gpu: Gigabyte Rx 460 2GB

I bought this pc about 4-5 years ago. Gpu is 2 years old.