I built a PC over a year ago and it was working fine but decided it was time for a new case. Well I transfered everything over and when I turn on the PC, the lights and fans go on, but the PC won't post, it just stays stuck on the first light on the mobo(dram)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Tuf gaming x570 wifi
Ryzen 9 3900x
Corsair h100i AIO
Corsair vengeance rgb 2x16gb 3200
MSI gaming x trio 2080ti
Corsair rmx850
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Tuf gaming x570 wifi
Ryzen 9 3900x
Corsair h100i AIO
Corsair vengeance rgb 2x16gb 3200
MSI gaming x trio 2080ti
Corsair rmx850