[SOLVED] need help on wireless sound


Sep 21, 2017
I ordered myself a budget Bluetooth headset, I was initially reluctant but was presently surprised by the quality all round

the audio was crisp, it was comfortable, the cables were all the flexy silicone kind, the padding was super smooth and soft, but fast forward several months the cheap plastic is cracking on the weak points across the screw holes etc so RMA

figure order different one in the same price range but the audio quality is not to par, its automatically powering off bluetooth when I charge it, the audio quality pops,not usb-c I just take a loss and resell it .

order another but same as the original brand, figure treat it like a newborn, if this one cracks I will just glue it!

arrives, ok weirdly the audio assistant that speaks to say the modes and tells if its connected sounds like it has a pillow over it's mouth but is otherwise working so far.

after a day or so use, the audio is intermittently cutting out 2 seconds worth of silence randomly and then when new sounds start up they always distort figure this one has to be fault too so RMA


I don't have a great budget but I want some bluetooth or other? wireless headphones that are sturdy and just work without any weird glitches or audio pops or squeaks!

any suggestions ? maybe bluetooth is just a no go for quality audio ?
earlier this year i ordered a cheap Bluetooth set that has turned out to be pretty nice:
Anker Soundcore Life Q20.

were only ~$35 and sound better than the wired Corsair 5.1 set i had previously.