Need help overclocking my E8500


Sep 26, 2008
Hey guys I need help overclocking my E8500.

I have it at 3.8 right now @ 800 fsb with 1-1 ratio. Perfectly stable. I also have 2 gigs of corsair @ 4-4-4-12 timing with a P5Q-Pro. I managed to get my setup at 4.5 before with corsair domintor ram and heavy voltage increase but the ram was my friends. Right now I cant get this crap ram over 3.8... Can't do anything. I do all the goodies on my mobo to setup the overclock but anytime I increase past the 800 mgh limit of my ram it crashes. I changed the timing to 5-5-5-15 and even 6-6-6-18. 6-6-6-18 appeared stable at first but crashes within 5 minutes of stress test. I know its my ram because firefox always gets memory errors too... Did I just get crappy ram or what? I am supposed to run this @ 2.1 volts for 4-4-4-12 timing I brought it up to 2.3 for 6-6-6-18 and it still crashes. Any ideas? There is no fsb/dram config on my mobo so it automatically inputs a ram timing to match my fsb to maintain a 1:1 dram/fsb ratio. Any suggestions will be welcome to get over this ram hurdle.
What is your "FSB strap to North Bridge" set to?

Your ram multipliers are just listed under Dram Frequency.

You can try to up your NB voltage and also set your GTL ref voltages.


4gb Of Coraisr Dominater @ 1066 is under 80$ shipped on Ebay.

He could sell his old ram to mimizise loss.