Since a week I've been searching around for a new monitor. Since my birthday is coming up in two days, It's about time I make a decision... but I can't.
Out of all the specs of a monitor, I currently focus most on the following 5: Panel type, refresh rate, response time, resolution and size.
However, my budget is max. €300, but preferably around €250, this means I need to cut some corners on 1 or 2 of the aforementioned specs, but I just don't know which ones.
Currently I'm running a screen with the following:
Now I am looking for at least a 27" screen, but all the other specs I am unsure of. I think that I at least want 75Hz and 1440p (especially because I've heard that 27" and 1080P do not go well together). I don't care that much for response time (since I play competitive, but not serious in any way), but I do care for picture quality, so I think I'm leaning towards a VA or IPS panel.
I found the following monitor that seems very tempting:
The only problem I could find is that it is a bit notorious when it comes to dying pixels.
Lastly, I have a GTX 1050TI, which is not optimal for 1440p or high refresh rates, but I'm also looking to buy a monitor with the idea that I don't have to upgrade it as soon as I want to upgrade my GPU.
I play mostly e-sports games with some exceptions (borderlands, dying light, so 'older' AAA-games).
Now my question is: on what specs do I cut corners? Should I aim for 144hz, or should I not go for 1440p in the end, or should I focus more on actual colour quality instead of panel type?
I am just too confused at this point, and any help would be immensely appreciated!!
Edit: I do believe that the monitor I linked above "supports" G-sync, or at least it meets all the requirements to run in a stable way. And I think that G-sync compatibility could help a lot when I need to cut corners on some specs.
Since a week I've been searching around for a new monitor. Since my birthday is coming up in two days, It's about time I make a decision... but I can't.
Out of all the specs of a monitor, I currently focus most on the following 5: Panel type, refresh rate, response time, resolution and size.
However, my budget is max. €300, but preferably around €250, this means I need to cut some corners on 1 or 2 of the aforementioned specs, but I just don't know which ones.
Currently I'm running a screen with the following:
Now I am looking for at least a 27" screen, but all the other specs I am unsure of. I think that I at least want 75Hz and 1440p (especially because I've heard that 27" and 1080P do not go well together). I don't care that much for response time (since I play competitive, but not serious in any way), but I do care for picture quality, so I think I'm leaning towards a VA or IPS panel.
I found the following monitor that seems very tempting:
The only problem I could find is that it is a bit notorious when it comes to dying pixels.
Lastly, I have a GTX 1050TI, which is not optimal for 1440p or high refresh rates, but I'm also looking to buy a monitor with the idea that I don't have to upgrade it as soon as I want to upgrade my GPU.
I play mostly e-sports games with some exceptions (borderlands, dying light, so 'older' AAA-games).
Now my question is: on what specs do I cut corners? Should I aim for 144hz, or should I not go for 1440p in the end, or should I focus more on actual colour quality instead of panel type?
I am just too confused at this point, and any help would be immensely appreciated!!
Edit: I do believe that the monitor I linked above "supports" G-sync, or at least it meets all the requirements to run in a stable way. And I think that G-sync compatibility could help a lot when I need to cut corners on some specs.