Question Need help upgrading my PC


Jul 8, 2015
So I'm in a bit of a weird situation.
Here is my current setup:

Athlon X4 860k
ASRock FM2A68M-HD+
2x4GB HyperX Fury Blue DDR3-1600 Memory
GTX 1050
EVGA 430W 80+ PSU

I got a great deal on an RX 570, and although I knew the CPU would bottleneck it a bit, I figured it would still be miles better than the 1050, so I ordered it. When I installed it, the fans would spin but I would get no signal to the monitor. After hours of troubleshooting, I just assumed the card must be DOA. I returned it and got a replacement, however, I have now got the same problem of everything turning on including the mouse and keyboard, but no signal to the monitor. My BIOS is up to date so I guess my motherboard is just completely incompatible with the 570; either that or my PSU is faulty? I want to keep this card because my current setup isn't the greatest for gaming, but I'm not really sure where to start in terms of what parts to replace, or where to start in terms of figuring out which of my components is the one stopping the card from working in the first place. I'm on a pretty tight budget, I probably can't spend any more than an additional $100 on components, so I'm not quite sure what to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
System Requirement

500 Watt Power Supply (Suggestion)
Yea I thought it could be the PSU but I have a spare 500W supply and it still doesn't work. I took my PC to pieces and found that a battery has popped out of the motherboard, so that could be why nothing is working as it should. I'm gonna order a new motherboard and then I'll post back here.
Still debating on if I should just buy a replacement or actually upgrade it.