OK, so that IS truly an ARGB light strip in the plate. It uses some sort of non-standard connection cable connector with 4 pins (or holes if it's female), but only 3 of the wires are for the lights. Unfortunately the web pages provide no photos or details of that connector.
HOWEVER, the strip photo does show clearly that the light strip is marked all along its length with labels for the three lines it has. These are:
5V for the +5 VDC supply
DI for the Digital Control Line
GND for Ground.=5 VDC line
Now, at a standard ARGB header - like the male output ports of your Hub - there is a (4-1) pin arrangement. That is, it has space for 4 pins with one pin missing. Of those, the pin on one end that is ALONE is the GROUND. The pin on the other END is the 5 VDC line. The pin next to that, SECOND from that end, is the Digital Control Line.
So, for starters, look closely at the connector on the end of the cable from the light strip in the distro plate. Does it look like it can fit onto one of the male output ports on the Hub? If so, you may be able to simply plug that in. But FIRST, try to trace what the lines are just to be sure they match up. The connectors MAY have labels on them for their lines. OR you may be able to trace which line in the connector comes from which label on the light strip, etc. If the line functions match between output header and input connector, and they fit, your problem is solved.
If they don't match or do not fit together, you will then need to arrange somehow a custom connection with the proper matching of lines from the light strip connector and cable to a Hub output port.
On to the FAN outputs of the Hub. Your case will have case ventilation fans, as well as the fans associated with what I expect is a custom liquid-loop cooling system for your CPU. Ideally the case fans and the CPU cooler fans should be connected to DIFFERENT mobo headers because their basis of control is different temperature sensors. So using the Hub for ONLY the case fans is advisable, and then connecting the liquid cooler system's fans to a different header is best. But to be sure, post back here what the instructions say for how to connect and control the fans of your liquid cooling system. It will give info on where to connect its pump and its fans, and perhaps on how to control the speeds of those. Then we can advise the best options. But you still CAN use the Hub for ALL your lighting connections, irrespective of where the fan and pump motors are connected.