Need help with a 3x1 display setup

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I'm interested in setting up a 3x1 landscape display setup and have a few questions for anyone who has one up and running. I will be using it primary to play WoW. Also I'll need to buy a new graphics card so please specify if your experience is with AMD or Nvidia.

1. Can I run wow on high settings with just 1 350 dollar card and get decent FPS? Will I be better off spending 400 dollars for dual gpus?

2. Can a single ATI or Nvidia card handle 3 DVI displays? Which Cards? Will I have to get active display port to DVI adapter?

3. When running a game on a single monitor (in full screen mode) will i be able to see the desktop on the other 2? Will they just Black out?

Thanks a bunch in advance to those that read or reply. I would also like to add that I have a Intel q9550 w/ 8GB of RAM and a GTX 285 right now. The board is xfire capable but obviously will not run SLI. I hoping I can upgrade the display and GPU and finish upgrading the rig when sandy bridge-e and Ivy bridge become available.
To answer question number 4. I'm not really that desperate, however since nvidia is giving batman AC away with select gpus I thought I would just go ahead and save the 60 dollars by getting a new GPU now. However it looks like I can't do I 3x1 display setup with an nvidia card w/o upgrading my entire rig. I really don't wanna drop 1200 dollars on a new GPU and 3 monitors and another 700 on a new CPU, Mobo and RAM all in one day. Thanks for your input you've given me a lot to think about.
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