Need help with DSL!


Sep 26, 2002
Hi, Im having a serious problem with dsl and it not letting me host games so any help would be apreciated. I just got dsl about a week ago, and before then I could host Warcraft3 and CS games on 56k and now for some odd reason I cant. Whenever I try to host war3, no one joins, which is odd so I whisper people to join to see whats up, and they tell me that they are getting a "latency to high" error, and these guys are on cable and dsl as well! So I got mad and called bellsouth fastaccess for help and I got thier tech support and they said that I should have two network connections in "network connections" [im usin xp], so I go and check and I only have one and I tell them and they basically said tough luck because the modem [that came with thier dsl] is made by westell or something.

So I tried calling Westell and Westell told me to call Bellsouth! So I ended up trying to fix it myself and wound up reinstalling the dsl software, and that didnt fix anything, so I figured it was a XP problem and then went and formatted and reinstalled XP, and that fixed nothing either! So now the only I can think of is that it is a TCP/IP problem because when I checked properties on the 'Local Area Connection' box in network settings, the TCP/IP setting had the uninstall option greyed out, and the install option was available [which I tried but it still said it wasnt installed even after clicking install]. Please Help!
Ouch, I know how it feels. I just had to install a DSL as well, since I decided to buy mine and then just get my phone-line upgraded, at the same time as Networking the 3 computers here... urgh. Well, I can tell you one thing for sure, WIN-XP usually doesn't require software to install DSL or any other broadband connection. Make sure your modem is set up right and then simply allow your system to find it, working through your network card settings instead. Otheriwise, make sure that the "firewall" setting in XP is OFF, as I've had problems with software-based firewalls, especially Windows XP's..
Hi, I'm having the same problem with my Dsl with verizon.I try to host a Game and my friends can't connect.I also have a westell 2200 modem hooked to a ethernet card.I'm also running winxp home ed.I didn't have a problem where I used to live and had Cable.If you find a solution to the problem, Please let me know.
Thanks in advance!!

your problems are likely due to a firewall being in place. i suspect the latency too high errors are not accurate. counter-strike game server -
now featuring valve security module!
I agree!
It is a fire wall issue 100%. Toss a linksys between your DSL modem and hub/switch. (can be easly done in 10min) and make sure your XP firewall set is not enabled and that your not getting firewall sets through a service on your ISP (manytimes it can be easly disabled).

Once you have control of the firewall almost all problems are gone, connection problems that is.

Hope this helped