Alright man you telll me what the hell you think then.
1333 fsb - 882 ram linked - 3:2 or whatever
Vcore - 1.285
Dram - 2.11
HT - 1.3
NB - 1.34
SB - 1.5
Ram Timings 4-4-4-12-2T
Passed The Test Perfectly.
FSB 1512... No matter what I change the HT, NB, SB, LDT Frequency, Set the ram timings to 5-5-5-15-2T, Set the MHZ to 754 so its 1:1 setten it to 801 so its 10:11... or setting it to 851 so its 8:9 NO matter what I change Prime95 Bend Shuts down the computer at the Same Exact Spot.. Its its my ram.. pease explain. or Use your Master-De-Bater Profile to use your best judgement on this.
1333 fsb - 882 ram linked - 3:2 or whatever
Vcore - 1.285
Dram - 2.11
HT - 1.3
NB - 1.34
SB - 1.5
Ram Timings 4-4-4-12-2T
Passed The Test Perfectly.
FSB 1512... No matter what I change the HT, NB, SB, LDT Frequency, Set the ram timings to 5-5-5-15-2T, Set the MHZ to 754 so its 1:1 setten it to 801 so its 10:11... or setting it to 851 so its 8:9 NO matter what I change Prime95 Bend Shuts down the computer at the Same Exact Spot.. Its its my ram.. pease explain. or Use your Master-De-Bater Profile to use your best judgement on this.