Need help with overclocking Asus 750i - Q6600 at 3.4ghz


Apr 12, 2008
Hi Guys, Need some major help here I cant figure out this problem.
Heres the settings I have used.

Bios 0502
FSB - 1512 - Ram 810
Vcore - 1.5
Dram - 2.11
HT - Auto
NB - 1.44
SB - Auto
Enhanced C1E Disabled
LDT Frequency - 5X

With These settings I have passed the Latest Prime95 (25.6) Small FFT Tortue Test with 13 Hours and 23 minutes no Errors.
Then I try Tortue Test - Blend

At This Position it Stops - 2nd Main Test (8K) - Number 10 in the test.
The Computer completly shutsdown. Doesnt Even restart.

So I changed the following...

HT - 1.38
SB - 1.5
So that they are not on auto
And Set the LDT Requency to 3X

It runs through Blend again... The Same Exact position - 2nd Main Test (8K) number 10 in the test... the computer shuts down again. I have tryed to mess with memory timings...
Only Thing I can think of is my ram is OCZ PC6400 800MHZ Ram (stock 4-4-4-15-1T timings 2.1v) ... I have it on 2T and 1T doesnt work, causes blue screen hardware failures or freezes. Does anyone have any idea ... or can anyone help me?

forgot to add.. I have ran through memtest before and it was fine, even with timings of 4-4-4-12-2T 2.1v.. Anyone have any idea?

I have also tryed these settings and the same result happens - always the 8k Test number 10. Also tryed Bios 0402.

HT - Auto
NB - 1.56
SB - Auto

HT - Auto
NB - 1.44
SB - Auto

HT - 1.5
NB - 1.5
SB - 1.5

Right now I am trying HT - 1.5, NB - 1.5, SB - 1.52 it froze, I know my top settings are right, it passed small fft's for 13hours 30mins i have pic and everything. I dont see why blend would be failing. Memtest is also fine.
I believe it's incorporated into that "seamless" frequency stepping. As in, it doesn't like alot of the ways its forced to compute the final memory frequency. It lacks things like FSB strap to NB, which usually fixes those problems.

Try adjusting the FSB up or down a point. I get a more extreme version of what you are seeing. Mine simply freezes while testing the RAM, yet like you, can prime away with small ffts.

That's exactly what I had to do. It appears that the NVidia chipset is also quite noisy, when compared to normal chipsets. And since this board is lacking in GTL Vrefs, it's very hard to compensate for such things!

thats exactly whatsup, I tryed Dram : fsb 1:1 and it still didnt fix the problem. I have had successful small FFT tests for 10hours with different settings then when I do blend it freezes like your saying, I set it to the point to where it gets to number 10 and shuts down. Its alwaysssss number 10, thats whats buggen me out, its the same exact position in the test, and it doesnt freeze it shuts down and no settings that I can change can fix the problem, tryed sb, ht, nb, ldt frequency all types of stuff..

Right now I have the settings that have been stable for 13hours in small fft.
Vcore - 1.5
Dram - 2.11
HT - 1.4
NB - 1.44
Sb - 1.5
I dont want to trust auto settings right now. And these have been stable .

I set the ram to 850 - which makes the FSB😀ram 8:9 and set the timings to 4-4-4-12-2T. It passed memtest86 perfectly twice in a row.
if I am 13 hours 30mins stable through small fft, and I ran 2 memtest back to back and there was 0 errors... Can that be considered stable?

Run the blend test. In reality, you will need both cpu and ram in action. so, two seperate tests do not do any good.
I did however complete Hyper PI which is Super PI but for 4 Cores. It ran through 32m perfect took 42mins, now im putting the priority on realtime and testing it. does it sound stable?

I use prime blend test.
alright this is what im doing, im going back to

1333 fsb - 800ram
vcore - 1.3
dram - 2.11
ht - 1.3
nb - 1.34
sb - 1.5

if it restarts again ill know its my ram.
alright i passed it,
1333fsb - 800ram (5-5-5-15-2T 2.11v 5:6)
vcore - 1.3
dram - 2.11
ht - 1.3
nb - 1.34
sb - 1.5
LDT - 4X

I am going to try changing the LDT to 4X for the 1512FSB. Also leaving the HT at 1.3 and uping the NB to 1.44
last thing im going to attempt... im setting vcore to 1.5375.. prolly wont make a difference seince small fft was fine. but screw it.
I have noticed that changing the VCore can also change the interference from the chipset. So ya never know!

Trust me, I know what you are going through, I couldnt settle for one, so I got the P5n-d and the p5n72t! Double the horror!

quick question man... im runnen blend and im noticing my PF Usage is 2.12 GB.. is that normal? could that be causing the problem? also My raptor X Drive .. in my computer under policies I have enable advanced performance enabled.
ok, 3ghz ran perfectly never restarted

vcore - 1.325
dram - 2.11
ht - 1.3
nb - 1.34
sb - 1.5
LDT - 4X

Ram is 5:6 - 5-5-5-15-2T

why would 1333 fsb work but 1512fsb shutdown my computer..?

Dont feel bad, I have only played with mine a few times, and gotten 3.35 stable. Mostly it just freezes when I start a test, or when it enters the windows desktop. All stops moving and it just sits there till you power it down.

I still think it has to do with the way it tried to tune its own frequencies now that they are using that seamless trash.

i dunno... have no idea really guess ill just stick with 3.0ghz for right now, unless you can reccomend something else like a 3.2ghz fsb - mhz setup.
Right now though my cpu is 32C and my mb is 34C... really cold.
i am gonna try for 3.2 ghz - 1424fsb - 801ram makes fsb:dram - 8:9
Im gonna leave the motherboard voltages the same as the 3.0 ghz setup.
K... its something between this

1333 FSB - 800 dram
Vcore - 1.325
Dram - 2.11
HT - 1.3
NB - 1.34
SB - 1.5
All CPU Config' disabled except for disable execute bit
completed 8 hour small fft, completed 8 hour blend

1424 FSB - 801Ram
Vcore - 1.4
Dram - 2.11
HT - 1.3
NB - 1.34
SB - 1.5
4X Ldt
Same as above
Restarted Blend at the 2nd test.... again.

only thing I can think of is FSB😀ram.... it was 8:9 when it restarted, is that a problem?

Although when I was trying 1600 X 8 it also restarted at the same place when the ram was 1:1
But why is it Shutting down.... wouldnt i just glitch up and freeze or corrupt and blue screen or... something besides Shutting down. Besides that I did 2 back to back Hyper PI 32M tests on the CPU. that program uses alotttt of ram. Both passed perfectly with no errors. Also passed memtest over 3 times on different setups.
Im bassically going to haul over a few avi's ass of songs to my main haddrive and check on 3.4ghz and see if ... I mean just playing games while listening to music, avi's is sucessful.. and if it doesnt mess up in 2-3 days of hard gamen.. ill call it stable.. and if it doesnt... Im glad I have 3.0 ghz stable.