need more help - MoBo bios



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

Hello all.

I have an M7VIT Biostar mobo with AMD 2000 cpu on it. After installing a
new BIOS on my board with a file I dled from the BIOSTAR site all sorts of
errors started popping up. Most common is that some devices, like sound or
video might not load right from the first boot. If I do a cold reset
everything works fine after that.

An obvious thing to try would be to install earlier versions of BIOS, but
BIOSTAR has only 1 ( the latest) version of bios image file available for
download. Is there something like an archive on the net where I can find
earlier versions of BIOS for my board?




Apr 3, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?) This is the
Taiwan Biostar site and they have all BIOS releases for this board.
Suprised you had probs though, I have always been pleased with Biostar
boards and their BIOS updates. Did you 'Load optimized defaults' after
flashing the BIOS?

"Eugene A" <> wrote in message
> Hello all.
> I have an M7VIT Biostar mobo with AMD 2000 cpu on it. After installing a
> new BIOS on my board with a file I dled from the BIOSTAR site all sorts of
> errors started popping up. Most common is that some devices, like sound or
> video might not load right from the first boot. If I do a cold reset
> everything works fine after that.
> An obvious thing to try would be to install earlier versions of BIOS, but
> BIOSTAR has only 1 ( the latest) version of bios image file available for
> download. Is there something like an archive on the net where I can find
> earlier versions of BIOS for my board?
> Thanks,
> Eugene.


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

"Graham" <> wrote in news:jIgdc.150$UE4.53@newsfe1-win:

> Did you 'Load optimized defaults' after
> flashing the BIOS?

No I did not. Hmm... Will try that ASAP.
