so at home I have a debian based homeserver running ts3, bnc and minecraft servers.
Now i ordered a domain from a service provider and its all working fine.
Now what i need is to do this:
ts3.domain.com answers to xx.xx.xx.xx:9987 (ts3 server ip)
bnc.domain.com answers to xx.xx.xx.xx:6667 (bnc server ip)
btw. the ip is static and same on each program (ts3, mc etc.)
etc. etc.
How do i do this exactly, does anyone know ? Thanks!
so at home I have a debian based homeserver running ts3, bnc and minecraft servers.
Now i ordered a domain from a service provider and its all working fine.
Now what i need is to do this:
ts3.domain.com answers to xx.xx.xx.xx:9987 (ts3 server ip)
bnc.domain.com answers to xx.xx.xx.xx:6667 (bnc server ip)
btw. the ip is static and same on each program (ts3, mc etc.)
etc. etc.
How do i do this exactly, does anyone know ? Thanks!