[SOLVED] Need opinions

Dec 31, 2019
I am a novice with computers. I wanted a desktop with a big screen but cannot seem to find any to suit my needs so am looking into larger laptops. I work from home with a Skype type platform. I need a touchscreen, integrated webcam, can handle having multiple tabs open without slowing down, a place to plug in internet (hardwire), and prefer a SSD over a hardrive. This one seems to be a good deal. Is it a good deal and will it suit my needs?

That's actually a good price with it being on sale. I was not expecting to see that. I don't particularly like laptop for anything performance-based, because laptops slow themselves down to keep from overheating. But, as far as laptops go, that is pretty good performance for only $429. It would usually sell for around $800.
That's actually a good price with it being on sale. I was not expecting to see that. I don't particularly like laptop for anything performance-based, because laptops slow themselves down to keep from overheating. But, as far as laptops go, that is pretty good performance for only $429. It would usually sell for around $800.
That's actually a good price with it being on sale. I was not expecting to see that. I don't particularly like laptop for anything performance-based, because laptops slow themselves down to keep from overheating. But, as far as laptops go, that is pretty good performance for only $429. It would usually sell for around $800.
Thank you so much!
Sorry but desktops can get larger moniters silly
PCPartPicker Part List: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/ZhFBKB

Monitor: AOC C24G1 24.0" 1920x1080 144 Hz Monitor ($197.08 @ Amazon Canada)
Monitor: Acer SB220Q bi 21.5" 1920x1080 75 Hz Monitor ($130.99 @ Amazon Canada)
Total: $328.07
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-01-27 22:56 EST-0500