So back in 2015 (cant believe it was that long ago) you guys helped me put together a computer for my parents, I dint't totaly cheap out on this so I am hoping I have some options. Post #16 in this old THREAD show the components that I bought. That thread is closed so I had to make a new one. Here is my last post I made the other day before it closed
Hey again guys, I know this is an old thread but I need some more advice. My parents computer I built is still doing ok, its getting slow so Id like to upgrade a few things as well as windows 11 (It has windows 10 now), but ill need a new processor windows is tilling me. Id like to upgrade the WiFi card too. My dad uses this now mainly for zoom as a meeting host so there is a slight lag in performance and he would like to be able to use the virtual backgrounds in zoom (the ones used with no green screen) but that requires a faster processor as well, no games, just basic web browsing. It has 8gb of ram, maybe I can add another 8? I'm not sure if that ASrock H97 board can? There are 2 more slots, so possibly? I know this motherboard is quite outdated but Id like to upgrade what I can to get the most out of it. I really built this for my mom who has sense passed away so If I can just add a few things to give it more life as apposed to buying a new computer that's what Id prefer to do.
So again any suggestions on a good processor that supports windows 11, but mainly for the virtual backgrounds in zoom, WiFi card, ram, or any other any other upgrades you think I should also think about would greatly be appreciated.
Thanks guys, I really depend on your knowledge and greatly appreciate your help!!
Hey again guys, I know this is an old thread but I need some more advice. My parents computer I built is still doing ok, its getting slow so Id like to upgrade a few things as well as windows 11 (It has windows 10 now), but ill need a new processor windows is tilling me. Id like to upgrade the WiFi card too. My dad uses this now mainly for zoom as a meeting host so there is a slight lag in performance and he would like to be able to use the virtual backgrounds in zoom (the ones used with no green screen) but that requires a faster processor as well, no games, just basic web browsing. It has 8gb of ram, maybe I can add another 8? I'm not sure if that ASrock H97 board can? There are 2 more slots, so possibly? I know this motherboard is quite outdated but Id like to upgrade what I can to get the most out of it. I really built this for my mom who has sense passed away so If I can just add a few things to give it more life as apposed to buying a new computer that's what Id prefer to do.
So again any suggestions on a good processor that supports windows 11, but mainly for the virtual backgrounds in zoom, WiFi card, ram, or any other any other upgrades you think I should also think about would greatly be appreciated.
Thanks guys, I really depend on your knowledge and greatly appreciate your help!!