Question Need some help upgrading a computer for win 11


Nov 26, 2014
So back in 2015 (cant believe it was that long ago) you guys helped me put together a computer for my parents, I dint't totaly cheap out on this so I am hoping I have some options. Post #16 in this old THREAD show the components that I bought. That thread is closed so I had to make a new one. Here is my last post I made the other day before it closed

Hey again guys, I know this is an old thread but I need some more advice. My parents computer I built is still doing ok, its getting slow so Id like to upgrade a few things as well as windows 11 (It has windows 10 now), but ill need a new processor windows is tilling me. Id like to upgrade the WiFi card too. My dad uses this now mainly for zoom as a meeting host so there is a slight lag in performance and he would like to be able to use the virtual backgrounds in zoom (the ones used with no green screen) but that requires a faster processor as well, no games, just basic web browsing. It has 8gb of ram, maybe I can add another 8? I'm not sure if that ASrock H97 board can? There are 2 more slots, so possibly? I know this motherboard is quite outdated but Id like to upgrade what I can to get the most out of it. I really built this for my mom who has sense passed away so If I can just add a few things to give it more life as apposed to buying a new computer that's what Id prefer to do.

So again any suggestions on a good processor that supports windows 11, but mainly for the virtual backgrounds in zoom, WiFi card, ram, or any other any other upgrades you think I should also think about would greatly be appreciated.

Thanks guys, I really depend on your knowledge and greatly appreciate your help!!

for intel, 8th gen CPU is minimum to install win11, which is mainboard witch 300 serie chipset, H97 board wont work with win11

prices for 8th gen arent really cheap (compared to 10~12th gen], unless you get it second will need CPU, mainboard and DDR4 ram
whats your budget?
First mistake is assuming WIn11 is bringing some sort of desirable new experience...

Once you eliminate the 'must have Win11' urge, you can then remember Win10 works just great and will until at least 2025.

Before then, simply get a or assemble a new computer which will have Win11 on it. (To upgrade, you'd be changing everything anyway)
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Nov 26, 2014
Ok so forget the windows 11 thought. Is there a way to upgrade the processor so the filters sucks as "blur" on zoom can be used?

If not how much would a new motherboard cost that is win 11 capable (down the road) and will support the filters on zoom? Can I use the ran from my current setup? He doesn't play any video games, he only uses the computer for web browsing, Microsoft word and the most used is zoom client meetings. Thanks for your help