Need some laptop recommendations


Mar 24, 2019
My Budget is 80,000 INR which is around . Can push it to 90,000 INR (1200 USD) if needed.

I have 2 types of laptops in mind, first is a 4k UHD display with low graphics power, or a 1440p QHD (2k) display with midrange graphics.

I am a designer/animatior, and I also play games, but I have a Pc with an i5 + 1660ti in it, so GPU is not my priotiry, but is nice to have.

In the 2k display laptops, I am not looking for AMD's GPUs, because some AI apps like waifu2x and Nvidia Voice doesn't work with AMD's GPUs. Only Nvidia.

Stylize your post according to this thread and we can followup on suggestions. Not everyone on this forum is located in India which is why we ask for the links to your preferred site for purchase. I used PCPartPicker to create a shortlist....and there isn't a short list so to say, which leads me to think that you might need to drop your requirements or up your budget or share links to sites you have access to for purchasing laptops(and for us to see what you have available).