Question Need to format Drive, but 100GB of something is still on there

Apr 19, 2019
I need to dual boot Windows 10 and KDE neon, I have a 655 partition which I previously used to store games, films, downloads etc. I cleared the whole thing out by some stuff to other drives and deleting junk. So no files exist on it anymore
However, when I look 100 GB is still present
I searched on this forum and these are the solutions I found
Page files : I checked if page files were enabled on drive, No page files were present according to advanced settings and only existed on C:.
Check Hibernation files. I checked show Advanced files on file explorer -> view (options) no hibernation files were present
Also cleared recycle bin from previously deleted content
Then I checked System restore points and I had it disabled.
So the only ghost file I have left are
$RECYCLE.BIN [This contains the recycle bin and some file called S- 1 -5 -18] probably some date idk.
and System Volume information.
Is it safe to format this drive to use as free space or do I need to change something in order for it not to affect my windows?
I used this drive as my main drive for windows but had all the system files/root stuff on C:

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