need win xp 32 bit home edition drivers for dell dimension 4600 and service pack 3 download. please help

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Apr 5, 2013
dell support used to have all the software and drivers listed under my dell dimension 4600 win xp home edition. now they are missing. i know they quit support but i thought the page would still have the info. stupid me. i should have downloaded everything and put it on disc.

hoping someone out there was smart enough to do just that and can help me with the drivers and downloads. i also need a download of serv pack 3. praying someone out there can help me out.

heres's a weird thing i have never seen before...i did a fresh reinstall of win xp home serv. pack 2. now i am having trouble with internet explorer. it has disappeared. chrome is not working properly either. i am getting a message that chrome needs win xp or higher to work or install and that i am running win 2000?????? what the heck!!!! i have never owned win 2000. and my install disc is win xp home serv pk 2.

i bought this computer from someone on ebay as a replacement for my original which is why i have the win xp home ed serv pk 2 disc for reinstall.

the hard drive was wiped when i bought it. maybe that is part of the problem. but i did a fresh install, so i don't get it. please help. angeldog
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