That makes no difference when individual baby-Bells stay within their respective territories.Not only this merger should not happen, but major monopolistic companies should be divided.
Infrastructure is a natural monopoly: any given market can only support two, maybe three economically viable providers. With each provider only raking in 33-50% of possible revenues within an area but each having to eat nearly 100% of the costs regardless of market share, having two physical infrastructures to choose from more than doubles costs.
If you want to drastically lower costs while improving service quality, you need to aim for a fully converged utility model where all service providers go over a shared infrastructure to eliminate massive cost duplication in boilerplate access stuff. Many countries with affordable high-speed broadband use some form of co-owned infrastructure to minimize unnecessary duplication.
Canada has a shared infrastructure as Bell, Rogers and Telus share their infrastructure for most of the internet and cell traffic. It's only at the end point that the infrastructure is theirs (DSL/Fiber/Cable). They save money this way, yet, we still have some of the highest prices in the world. Their excuse is the low amount of people per covered territory, but it has been proven false again and again, even with the subventions they had to improve their infrastructure, a contract with the government to provide fast internet access everywhere in Canada, which they did not respect.