Question New 144hz monitor displayport cable 'no signal'


May 31, 2015
Hey everyone,

My PC Specs:
OS: Windows 10 x64
Motherboard: Gigabyte Z170X Gaming 7
GPU: Nvidia Geforce 1070 Ti Duke
Monitor: AOC G2590FX (g-sync compatible)

So I finally bought a new monitor so that I could enjoy not only the 144hz refresh rate, but I wanted to experience g-sync for the first time. Problem is, I need the monitor connected with a displayport cable in order to get the g-sync options to show up in my Nvidia Control Panel. I can successfully connect the monitor with HDMI, no problem at all. With HDMI I can get the 144hz rate to work, but still no options for g-sync. When I have the monitor manually set to DP and I connect it to my graphic card (I have 3 display ports on the back) and no matter which DP port I connect it to it'll show no signal. I can't even get it to show Windows starting up with the displayport cable connected. So I'm trying to figure out what is causing the issue. Is it the cable? My monitor reacts every time I connect to a different displayport slot, but still gives me 'no signal' on all 3 slots. I'm assuming it's not the cable, but I have a new one coming in the mail to double check. I don't think it would be a video card driver issue, because that only kicks in when Windows starts up, and everything is currently updated to the latest drivers. Bios issue? I updated it to the latest version, but maybe there is something in there that I need to change.

I've seen lots of posts/videos about just unplugging everything and trying again, but that's not working for me. Any one have any ideas?
Hi, I did this to get my DP wokring again:
  • Using HDMI to get into BIOS and disable Fast boot
  • Using HDMI to get into Windows (Safe Mode) and uninstall the Nvidia drivers using DDU
  • Turned off FreeSync and DDC/CI on my monitor
  • Disconnect the HDMI and use only DP
At this point it still didn't work, even after restart, but then:
  • Reset the my motherboards (MSI) CMOS by pressing the reset CMOS button on the back of my monitor
  • Booted up my computer again and I had signal again and image on my monitor using DP.
Hope it helps!