New Build Does Not Power On


Aug 23, 2011
So I just finished my first build (for my grandma) and got everything hooked up. I went to test it by turning it on and no power, aka nothing happened. I went through the checklist for troubleshooting, read through some posts on here, and nothing worked. I actually had another PSU around that did not fit my case and tried that one. Still nothing happened. Both PSUs are brand new so it might be possible the are both bad, but more unlikely. Is there anything else I can try? If it was my motherboard, would the PSU not turn on still? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Here is my build:
CPU - AMD Phenom II X2 560 Black 3.3GHz Dual-Core Processor
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2P Micro ATX AM3+ Motherboard
Memory - G.Skill 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR3-1333 Memory
Hard Drive - Seagate Barracuda 500GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Case - Antec One Hundred ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply - Antec 350W ATX12V Power Supply
Optical Drive - Samsung SH-222AB DVD/CD Writer


lol so true, i did this and i was like why aint it working. +1 check that the standoffs are in the correct place, if they are not then you have shorted the mobo and will need a new one

Nothing happens at all when I turn on the PC. Nothing makes a sounds, no fans move, no lights go on, nothing.

I have switched polarity of the power pin headers a few times to see if that would work and rechecked their positions, no luck. I will take them all out again and put them back in though.

Both power supplies I tried did absolutely nothing, both were new.

I have went through the checklist on here which includes checking the standoffs, but I will go through and do that part over completely just in case.

Thanks for the help.

I installed the standoffs and checked them, but will take them out and do them over. I have also gone through that checklist already, but everything looked okay. Thanks for the ideas.

Be sure to check to see if the motherboard power ready light is on. Should be a small LED in the bottom right corner of the motherboard that lights up Green or Orange that lets you know the board is recieveing power. If you don't see any LED lights on the board at all then something is wrong.

I would also try using the onboard power switch that comes with this board to see if you can get the system to power on. (small black button next to the white USB header and blue SATA ports)

If this doesn't fix your problem I would remove the motherboard from the chassis and breadbox it on top of the box it came in. This way you can have minimum componets installed and help narrow down the issue.

Took everything apart and redid the build. It is now working. Not sure what part was the problem, but it was obviously a dumb mistake on my part somewhere along the line.