[SOLVED] New build, EZ Debug CPU light on and the dreaded three long beeps ?

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Dec 2, 2023
(crosspost from here)

Hi all,

I recently decided to treat myself to new kit and so bought the following components:

• MSI motherboard b450m pro-vdh max

• AMD socket AM4 Ryzen 5 5500

• 2 sticks of Corsair ddr4 ram, each 16 GB, exact make is CMK32GX4M2E3200C16, pangoly says compatible with my motherboard

• 1 TB of crucial nvme SSD memory

I'm reusing a lot of older components, notably my AMD Radeon 6700 GPU and my Corsair 750i power supply. I'm also using my old case.

I put the thing together, connected every cable correctly (albeit a bit messily) and unfortunately was met with an EZ Debug CPU light. I took out the GPU and the memory just to rule those out somehow getting caught up and on booting would still get the same ez debug CPU light.

I then flashed the CMOS by taking out the battery for ten minutes and now on booting I not only still have the ez debug CPU light on but I also get three long beeps, supposedly meaning there's a problem with my memory. It beeps when there are no ram sticks, it beeps when there's either of them in any of the slots, the CPU light doesn't go away and there's no output on my monitor.

Really not sure what to do, return the motherboard and the CPU perhaps as I'm suspecting a problem with them? I highly doubt it's the memory, especially since the beeps only started after I flashed the cmos. Completely out of ideas and would appreciate any help. I even thought I might have inserted the CPU incorrectly so I played around with that but there's really only one way it would go in.

Photos of my mess attached. My setup is a bit unorthodox, I realised my motherboard might be a bit too small for my GPU and the four case fans I have so I got a pci-e extender and also a fan extender.


Thank you
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update the bios?
So this motherboard was supposed to come with the BIOS pre-flashed for Ryzen 5 processors hence my surprise as to why I ran into this particular problem.
A motherboard will not post without being able to detect a cpu cooler installed.
Not a good idea even if you could.
Usually by detecting at least 500 rpm on the cpu-fan header.
Your photos do not show a cooler installed.
Actually it did in my case, let me explain.

I was feeling pretty resigned after Friday evening and as a last resort ordered a different 32GB memory kit and a ryzen 3 processor that I'd hoped might be able to get me to flash the BIOS as perhaps the motherboard wasn't pre-flashed contrary to what was advertised. The next day, I wanted to turn on the PC one last time (in the state you see in the photos) to see if it was still running into those issues and bizarrely it didn't. EZ debug only complained only about a missing GPU (and I still hadn't attached the CPU cooler). I installed the GPU and then it was able to POST, after which I successfully logged into Windows. I have no idea why leaving it alone for roughly 24 hours fixed it. I turned it off, installed the cooler, set up the rest of the PC properly and I'm now writing this from my upgraded PC. I still have no idea why both the three beeps indicating memory error and the CPU EZ debug light just got better on their own after being left for about a day. But thank you both for your help!
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