New build SSD and IDE slave

Robert Fraley

May 23, 2011
I have just installed Win 7 on my SSD 64G M4. I want to be able to use the IDE device for now to store my documents, pictures and other personal files.

I would like to know about RAID and Hard drive configurations. How would I connect it to be able to access both? Is it simply setting the jumper and saving my files I choose to save to the D drive?

Antec Ew 650
CORE I5 2500K
Corsiar XMS 8 GB RAM
GIGA 6670 Graphics
M4 64 GB SSD
First of your board does not have a IDE connector but can be sorted with add on card or an adapter. With two drives installed you install the OS on the SSD and the second drive becomes what ever you want it for, other programs and storage. There are guides in the stickies at the top of this forum section that can help you set this all up!
I just re-read your post; you have already done the install to the SSD, and the question is only about using a second drive, yes?

First, IDE devices are slower than all current drives (no nit-picking about currently manufactured IDE drives from the peanut gallery). If you can afford to, you will be much better off buying a small SATA drive. Otherwise, you will either need a controller card or an IDE-to-SATA adapter; many of these are not reliable.

Yes, it can be as simple as storing the files that you want to the D drive. RAID is not relevant if the drives are being accessed separately, and RAID would be a serious mistake with one SSD and one HDD. Don't go down a RAID path.

It is possible to re-direct the My Documents, My Music, and My Everything Else so that they are stored on a folder on the D drive. If you find yourself tight on space because of your documents, this is a good option.

The problem with using a SSD smaller than 120 gb is that you have to be always checking how much space is available on the boot drive so you don't fill it up. With a SSD you don't actually want to get to the full point and you want to leave about 15% free space or the drive will start to slow down. so your pageing file and all your user files (my documents,pictures and videos) want to be on the storage drive. Anytime you download a file unless it's a Windows update will have to go on the storage drive.
You can either raid two SSD's or two regular drives but not one of each because it will default to the slower drive and make the SSD as slow as the mechanical drive.
Wyoming and Inzone, thank you both points I didnt realize.
Yes, Thanks Rolli, I have a device to convert the hard drive to SATA.
And yes, I will be using this hard drive for now and realize the speed. I have several reasons for using it. Since I already have it first, lol, and then I have some files on it which I was using a program to recover. Next, I am in College for A+ and Networking. I intend to learn this very soon in my class. I want to set up mine so I can learn RAID and different configurations.
Cannot add to the excellent advice on SSD + IDE HDD You have already received.
For a starting place for raid, See:
Minor correction. Raid0 for SSD and a HDD.
Speed. For files that are on the SSD they will be read at the speed of the HDD, for Files located on the HDD then speed is at the HDD. When a file is spread between the SSD and The HDD the speed will be a mix.
Size. This is a biggy, as the size is limited to the size of the smallest drive. Ie a 64 gig SSD and a 500 gig HDD the total size is then 128 gigs and you lose 432 gig space of the HDD.

Exception – When the SSD and HDD is set up using SRT (Z68 MB). This is a raid configuration, But the SSD is used as a cache for the HDD. (A) Whatever is in the cache is @ the speed of the SSD, and what is NOT in cache is @ the speed of the HDD. (B) Total size is the size of the HDD. (C) One current disadvantage is that you lose windows TRIM Cmd.