So I have finished my PC, turned on, everything lights up, fans spinning etc. When i plug my HDMI into the tower, the screen recognises it has been plugged in says no signal and goes back into sleep mode. The monitor is a 1080p 60hz one which I have been using with PLaystation fine with same HDMI cable.
Any help on what I should do next?
My build is
[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bcxJRT)
So I have finished my PC, turned on, everything lights up, fans spinning etc. When i plug my HDMI into the tower, the screen recognises it has been plugged in says no signal and goes back into sleep mode. The monitor is a 1080p 60hz one which I have been using with PLaystation fine with same HDMI cable.
Any help on what I should do next?
My build is
[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bcxJRT)