New built pc for the first time - need help


Feb 20, 2009

I have built a pc for the 1st time and I have some minor problem. Everytime I swith on the pc, I get a beep followed by a pause and then another beep. The pc still boots fine and I am able to use it without problems. If I give it a restart, the post boots without any beeps. What might be the problem? Below please find my specs:

amd phenom II 920
corsair ram 2gb
mobo gigabyte ma78g-ds3h with award bios
hd radeon 4850 gpu
ozx psu 600w

The beeps I am getting are not documented in the manual. Seems a little bit strange to me that it still works fine and when I restart it doesnt beep at all. By the way, the first time I switched it on, it didn't beep. Can you help me out guys?

Thanks a lot
there is sometimes a beep after the POST (power on self test). This is sometiems adjustable in the BIOS.

To get to the BIOS (in case you don't know), when the computer first boots, you will see a primitive DOS looking screen and in the upper right hand corner, there will be a message like F2 for setup. Many times the DEL (delete) is the key to press instead. Press this stated button, and you will enter the bios screen. There might be a setting there to turn off the POST beep. I would ignore the beep.

The POST probably only happens at power on, and not after a reset.

Maybe others will have more experience wtihthe particluar hardware you have, and will have another possible answer.
Every board boots differantly, Mine powers on, then powers off, then on again, then beeps then loads OS. As long as everything is working once its loaded I would not worry about it to much.
although the pc is working fine, something must be triggering these's not that I want to get rid of them by unplugging the speaker, I want to know what's causing them so that I can sort it out...I'm no expert, this is my first built, so most prob I did something wrong..

could it be the sata hd and dvdrw? when i enter bios, the dvdrw is listed as master while the hdd as slave...but as far as I know, there should be no master and slave configurations with I correct?

please help me sort this problem out...and thanks to all that have posted thus far...