I want to preface this by stating that I only have experience building new computers, and I have never explored the realm of switching from one computer to another. My current PC only contains a single 1TB M.2 NVMe drive that I use as my only storage source. It contains all of my game downloads, work/school files, and the Windows 10 installation that I used when I first booted it up. Obviously, I need to retain all of the files that I currently have. My new computer is going to support Windows 11, so I am hoping to download that once I get the computer all built. My new motherboard supports 3 M.2 drives, so I got a new 2TB M.2 drive. I want to use the old one in my new computer as well. Could anyone give me a detailed description of how I should go about getting Windows 11 installed on the new computer, being able to retain all of my files from the old M.2, and end up using both M.2 drives in the new build? I have read that it is better to back up all files on a separate drive (I have two so not an issue) and download a clean Windows install.
If possible, please give a step-by-step process on the process of getting this completed in the best way possible (order in which I should do things/which drives to use for what/etc...). Sorry for the needy question, but I just really cannot lose these files. Nor do I want to do anything wrong and dig myself into a deeper hole.
If possible, please give a step-by-step process on the process of getting this completed in the best way possible (order in which I should do things/which drives to use for what/etc...). Sorry for the needy question, but I just really cannot lose these files. Nor do I want to do anything wrong and dig myself into a deeper hole.