Dec 1, 2020
I'm pretty new to PC building, and a test on my system came back said that the CPU and GPU are slightly underperforming? It's not terrible, but I'm still curious why they're not performing as expected.

The only mistake I made during building was the pins of my CPU tapped the lever on the motherboard when I was putting it in, but there were no scratches or bent pins. I'm wondering if that made a difference or it's something else... Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much
The cpu very good, the rest outstanding, what is wrong with that? One thing i see is that you have an older bios,

BIOS Date20191107
might help if you do update to the latest.

Keep in mind that some will have their cpu overclocked so compared to those isn't it bad to be "just" very good.
355,907 User benchmarks, average bench 123%
your gpu is 124%

anyway. the cpu, check cpu temp? fresh os install for the build? latest bios?

The cpu temp is good at 32 celcius. Fresh os install. I didn't have the latest bios, but now that I've updated that my cpu seems to be performing better:

I was paying attention to the notes by the pictures that previously said " Performing way below expectation" for cpu and "Performing below potential" for the gpu .. I didn't know if that was something to worry about or not. Thank you!
The cpu very good, the rest outstanding, what is wrong with that? One thing i see is that you have an older bios,

might help if you do update to the latest.

Keep in mind that some will have their cpu overclocked so compared to those isn't it bad to be "just" very good.

I wasn't sure if I should be concerned about the notes that said "Performing way below expectation" for cpu and "Performing below potential" for the gpu, but that is a good point that some people have their cpus overclocked. I did update my bios and it seems to be performing better. Thank you!