New CPU or Overclock?\


Sep 13, 2015
I currently have an AMD 6300 6 core processor and an MSI 7641 motherboard. I am wondering if it would be better to just go to intel or would buying a new mobo and overclocking the 6300 work well? I plan on using this pc or heavy gaming and have an aftermarket CoolerMaster Hyper D92 dual fan heatsink. I also have 4 120mm case fans. My gpu is a sapphire radeon r9 390 8gb.
There is no useful AMD CPU upgrade for Gaming. The FX83?? series is 'wider', but just as 'deep' and it's the 'deep' part that counts for gaming.
To get the best out of that CPU it has to be overclocked, and I would not even run that CPU on that motherboard, much less attempt to overclock on it.

Your decision is based purely on budget. For about $100 to $120 US, you can get a new motherboard and a good CPU cooler and the at leas 10% more usable goodness out of that CPU. It will overclock faster than 10%, but the 10% is the practical return on the extra speed because only the CPU is better.

A better CPU/motherboard combination will cost a little more than twice as much; around $250 at a minimum, but will give at least 20% more in gaming (except in older games where the CPU you have is already OK)

My budget is around $200. I probably will save up and get the cpu and mobo then so what would be the best two to get? My cpu cooler also fits most of the intel sockets.

Also this PC is a mid tower if that has any effect. Bought it off best buy two years ago on black friday when I knew nothing about PCs. Gotta start somewhere.
Then you need to save more if you want a CPU/Motherboard upgrade (Intel). Your existing cooler will do fine on a locked chip.

'Best two' depends entirely on budget.

A Haswell i5 + motherboard will come to about $250, give the 20% or more improvement I suggested and use your existing cooler and memory.
A more modern Skylake option will give you maybe 25% better, but will cost closer to $350 because you need new memory too.

This would be a good starting place.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($174.89 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock H97 PRO4 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($83.89 @ OutletPC)
Total: $258.78
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-03-10 11:51 EST-0500

There is wiggle room when we know what you think 'best' means.

What if i were to stick with amd and upgrade the mobo now and cpu later?