Question New gpu and monitor but worse performance on bf1?

Aug 3, 2020
So today I installed my msi rtx 2060 ventus xs alongside my new psu, which is a corsair cx 550. I also recently got a 144hz monitor from LG, on the lower end of 144hz as it was bargain for 144hz. My other specs are as follows:

Cpu- i7-4790k not over clocked

16gb ram 1333hz ddr3

120gb ssd

1tb hard drive

So I thought I'd try out bf1 as a benchmark sort of and the fps fluctuates a lot. Granted the last time I tried it was on ultra but to start with I put it on low and the fluctuations are even worse. It'll go from 50-80fps to having big dips to 10-30fps, before I played with a 1050ti on a monitor from 2007 which wasn't anything special and wasn't HD and it always ran at a solid 60-90 fps.

I've been reading everywhere on the internet and already uninstalled all the old drivers with DDU and reinstalled current drivers onto my gpu. I had a look at the usage of both the cpu and gpu, with the cpu getting around 50-65, while the gpu got around 80-100. However at times both ran fairly high and nearly matching usages of around high 70s depending in what was happening I guess. It could be bottlenecking idk much about that kind of stuff or most of this stuff tbh. Any help would be much appreciated.
If your CPU usage goes up will your GPU usage drops the means you are CPU limited(bottlenecking). The Battlefield series is very dependent on CPU power and core count.
No the gpu usage was usually the same or higher then the cpu usage. If anything the cpu usage was quite abit lower at times. If the gpu usage did ever go below the cpu usage it would been very brief and by not very much either. Yeah battlefield games are although I've heard how people have run battlefield games quite well with my type of cpu.
In BF1 do you have Ray Tracing on? That kills FPS. What was the resolution of the old monitor?
I'm not sure but I've just read that apparently the rtx 2060 can't handle that so I'll definitely have a look for it. My old monitor was 1440x900 with probably a mediocre ms and 60hz. Wasnt ancient but to most pc gamers it would have been a piece of junk. It was probably around 20 inches, a bit less probably tbh.
I'm not sure but I've just read that apparently the rtx 2060 can't handle that so I'll definitely have a look for it. My old monitor was 1440x900 with probably a mediocre ms and 60hz. Wasnt ancient but to most pc gamers it would have been a piece of junk. It was probably around 20 inches, a bit less probably tbh.
Going from 1440x900 to 1920x1080 is an increase in pixels of 60%. While gpu requirements don’t scale in a linear way with resolution you can seem it’s a huge increase in gpu work. Therefore a big part of your gpu upgrade will be offset by the increased resolution.
Going from 1440x900 to 1920x1080 is an increase in pixels of 60%. While gpu requirements don’t scale in a linear way with resolution you can seem it’s a huge increase in gpu work. Therefore a big part of your gpu upgrade will be offset by the increased resolution.
I thought that might be a thing, that being said though, what does this mean I should or can do?
Check Ray Tracing first, that sucks up a lot of performance. Try some other games and see what increase you are seeing. Look at reviews of the 2060 running 1080p and games you have and see how you compare.
Yeah sounds like a good idea. Might also check my ram as I've been looking on some bf forums exclusively with very similar builds (same cpu and gpu at the very least) and some said it was their ram. There were also mixed discussions on bottlenecking of thr gpu by the cpu on the same forums, some saying they have the same cpu but an even better gpu and they have no problems while others say the generations make a difference etc. I did look at one website which said bf1 should run well with my cpu and gpu at 1080p, granted it doesn't take much more into consideration, at least it doesn't say so. Although it what it says is much better then what I get so it makes me wonder. I'll try Apex legends, been playing mordhau recently though and that runs really well on ultra although I don't usually play on servers packed with players.
With BF1 64 multiplayer large maps do hammer CPU’s. You have 8 threads which will help but it is still a quad core and has limits. It’s hard to compare DDR3 to DDR4 so not sure how big of a difference that will make.
Yeah true, although I've heard of a lot of players running it well with the same cpu. When I did upgrade from my previous 4th Gen though it did make a big difference and tbf on my last 4th Gen, which was an i5, it ran alright. It would fluctuate between 50 and 60 fps, sometimes getting to 70 fps and sometimes dipping to high 40s. Then again this was on my old monitor and with a 1050ti though.
Yeah true, although I've heard of a lot of players running it well with the same cpu. When I did upgrade from my previous 4th Gen though it did make a big difference and tbf on my last 4th Gen, which was an i5, it ran alright. It would fluctuate between 50 and 60 fps, sometimes getting to 70 fps and sometimes dipping to high 40s. Then again this was on my old monitor and with a 1050ti though.
Hmm I had a 4670k @ 4.3GHz with 16Gb and found larger maps unplayable with the cpu pinned at 100% on all threads.
Just tried Apex and it runs so much better. Lowest fps I ever got was high 60s at the start when you're about to jump. Otherwise throughout it was 90-110 but could easily go higher. Couldn't check usage because apparently the game doesn't work if you use msi after burner which is stupid but oh well. I'll see if I can check temps to get some kind of idea though. This was also playing the game on really high settings on almost everything if not everything I think.

Edit: temps are in the 70s for gpu and 60s for cpu