New Graphics card

What do you want to do with it? Play games? What is the brand and model of your PSU?
Up to around $160, a GTX750Ti is a nice choice. It uses very little power, but is a huge step up from a HD5570. If you'd prefer to stay with an AMD card, you might find a R7 260X for close to that price too. It is slightly stronger, but uses more power as well, and needs a quality PSU (400W would be enough, but the quality needs to be good; you'll need to let us know what your PSU is).

is there anything else i can say about my PSU besides it being 600W?

Check out the GTX 660, 760, or 770. They're all great GPUs, I just don't know what price they're going for in Europe.

I doubt you'll need a new PSU, but Onus raises a VERY good point.

GTX 780 is around 440 euros, for as far as i can find

Yeah, plus if his PSU wasn't delivering all 600W, he'd run into some serious problems using the 780. I think the max he should go for is the 770.

By the way, what CPU do you have?

@Onus: That PSU Lemon list has got to be one of the most useful things I have ever seen! Thanks for sharing!

My cpu is a intel core i5 2300