New 'Hitman' Game Set For March 11 Release, Will Include Intro Pack For $34.99

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I won't be supporting this. They just want to boost their numbers before the end of the fiscal year before actually having a complete product for that year. Besides that, I doubt it'll be worth as much to me anyway. Sorry for negativity 😉 I should go finish the last one, but I keep getting distracted.
I just don't get the model, it's like it's DLC but if it's the single player campaign (among other things) being released later then they're just holding back the core game...? I don't think I can get behind this either. I've always had a love/hate relationship with the Hitman games so I guess this is the one I finally say no to.
Just more anti-consumer pre-order wank designed to embarrass an incredible franchise. First Deus Ex, now Hitman. And it'll just keep getting worse until people stop pre-ordering.

And what is the point of pre-ordering these days? It still baffles me that people do it. It's not like the boxed copies on the shelf at the local game store are going to sell out like in the old days. If they sell 1 billion copies in the first hour of launch...there will still be copies for anyone else to buy.

Yeah, exactly. There is no benefit to it, except for the DLC the marketing team tacked on as a pre-order bonus. And I suppose that's not even inherently evil, the same as DLC itself isn't inherently evil. If the pre-order bonus is just a bunch of skins or other cosmetic addons, cool, whatever. That doesn't make the game greater or lesser depending on when you bought it. But, when you start gating core content behind a pre-order wall, then yeah, you're doing the evil thing and people should not encourage this with their wallets. But they do.

Besides that, I wonder how many people pre-order a game and then actually play it on day one, at midnight, the instant it launches. Probably not a lot of them. I bet the majority of pre-orders are played on Day 2 or Day 3, when they could've just bought it that day for no difference.

I just don't get the model, it's like it's DLC but if it's the single player campaign (among other things) being released later then they're just holding back the core game...? I don't think I can get behind this either. I've always had a love/hate relationship with the Hitman games so I guess this is the one I finally say no to.

They are charging less for an incomplete pre order in order to get out of the accountability of pre-order gone bad.

Pre-orders were never really about how they benefit the customer. It's done for the company's financials. They want as many of the sales to count during this fiscal year as possible. (Japan's fiscal year ends March 31)
I see nothing wrong with this.

You pay full price, you get the full game. You pay less, you still get the game, just less of it.

This is infinitely better than EAs "pay $60 for 1/8th of a game, and buy the rest later for $10/per increment" strategy.

unless gamers want the pre-order stuff so badly or they want to quickly complete the game and re-sell it while it still has value.
I really liked the last Hitman game and if this one is anything like the last, even the description of the introductory pack sounds like a ton of content. Even so, I despise serialized games (the first Walking Dead showed me how much worse five one hour episodes separated by a month each are than one five hour experience), so I will be quite content to wait until the whole game is available at a steep discount.

Seriously. Wait a year, then if people still think it's good, buy it for 75% off. It's not like games get worse if you don't play them.
i don't understand what the big deal is. there's nothing wrong with this strategy. if someone buys half the game, they will be less likely to spend more for the second half if it sucks. how is this a way to grab more money?

And what is the point of pre-ordering these days? It still baffles me that people do it. It's not like the boxed copies on the shelf at the local game store are going to sell out like in the old days. If they sell 1 billion copies in the first hour of launch...there will still be copies for anyone else to buy.

well i'm an adult, if i want something, i get it whenever i want, however getting me a gift for birthday or Christmas can be hard due to this. so its either money/giftcards which my family hates getting, or a preorder which they are more than ok with.
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