New i7 920 homebuild won't boot to bios


Apr 3, 2009
I just put together a new x58 system w/ i7 920, ex58-ud3r gigabyte board and 6 gigs ddr3 ram. I installed everything carefully, and tried to boot for the first time but no display (bios or anything, it just idled red like it wasn't getting a signal). I noticed it recommends 2x4 12V power, i just have 550W with normal connections- could power be my issue? the video card was just pulled from a working system (9800gt). Not sure where to go from here, any feedback would be excellent.
Are the RAM moduels in the right slots? if so try taking two out and see if it will start with one. Ckeck to make sure nothing is shorting on the mobo. Power may be the issue though, so could you borrow a 650w or something from some one?
Ram is in ddr3_1, I started with only one module in per advice from a friend. It doesn't appear like anything is shorting :x

You said that you noticed your board recommends a 2x4 12v power connecter. For that cpu it's a must. If your power supply doesn't have the conncter then get a new power supply that support the x58 mb.
How can I tell if a power supply has that 2x4 12v connector? The only way I could tell is one that claimed to be i7 ready, but it was pretty expensive
If you go to newegg and find a PSU you think will be good, click on the picture of it and you will get a bunch more pictures to look at. Look at the power connectors and it will have a detailed picture of power connectors that are labeled, and look for the CPU power cable. Look at this one for the Corsair 450vx:

If you think you will sli later with your existing card, a PSU like this one would do well for you:

You can also probably just buy an adapter for your connector though...