New Intel DH55TC Corei3 system Freezing


Mar 25, 2012
I am having a very strange problem. I have a brand new system with this config.

Intel orignal DH55TC motherboard (brand new)
Core i 3 540 (brand new)
4 GB RAM CHIP (brand new)
450 Watt powersupply (about 1.5 yr old)
Windows 7

I use the DLINK GLB-802c router for internet. (Also about 6 months old)

Now, sometimes the Ethernet port does not work, as in the LAN LED does not come on the modem and it doesnt work.
Sometimes randomly when you keep on disconnecting and reconnecting the wires, it turns on and starts working.

And if i use this modem in USB mode, it freezes and crashes the system randomly. Say 1 out of 10 times or 20 times my PC crashes
i.e. just freezes. Before it freezes though, I noticed that the USB light on my modem goes off. Then in another few seconds my PC freezes.

Please tell me if you have any idea what the problem is here ? As everything in the system is new.

1. Carefully check if u have any loose connections/components anywhere
2. Update the BIOS/drivers of the mobo and router to the latest version available

do this and there's a 90% chance that your problem get's solved 😀 loose connections checkd that... Also i am using the drivers that came with the Motherboard disc. I did one more test, I took the router to a friends PC and the LAN Led did not come on there either ... But I just don't get how a router can crash the system ?? I mean if it does not work or has a problem it should not effect the system right ???

There might be a driver IRQ error that will BSOD windows!

^ yup totally possible....i'm was programming a microcontroller thru a cheap chineese USB-Serial cable yesterday....i had installed the fakeass drivers that came along with it. 😀
After finishing, i just directly pulled out the USB cable and i got a BSOD....apparently the driver wasn't written to handle this condition. I have to eject the 'USB device' now b4 pulling out the cable :)

:) Damn didn't kno that... but sounds interestin am into app. programming my self... Anyways I guess i did not mention it in my post that I was 'not' getting a BSOD... My PC just freezes... I can see the last state say of any program or windows that are open, And everything just freezes , the USB light goes off on the modem. Thats it, no bsod ... And the modem is orignal Box packed from D-Link, GLB-802C ...
took the router to a friends PC and the LAN Led did not come on there either