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are you given instructions on what your supposed to get? one au'kahn blue
"Drew C." <> wrote in message
> I would assume they are not as rare on the harder stuff
> > They are dropped very rarely by any NPCs. I spent about 3 hours
> > killing Au'kahn (sp) on Talus one day. I got a +8 2h speed AA, +4 1h
> > counterattack tape, +5 Rifel speed tape, and a bunch of Au'kahn bonus
> > clothing and only one loot component (blue thread). So you can see
> > how rare they are.
> >
> > --
> > Albion (Master Bio-Engineer/Master Sword)
> > AlbyCorp Bio-Components, New Coventry, Corellia, Intrepid (-701, 324)
> > "No I don't make pets, they're too bugged to waste my time."