New MechWarrior, Command & Conquer Titles

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[citation][nom]hunter315[/nom]Excellent news! But i really hope the new mech warrior comes with more than 4 mechs to pick from.[/citation]
Full selection of mechs and the customization from the tabletop version, plus multiplayer would be freaking awesome.
And I hope the single player campaign is a little less arcade-y than the last installments. They were easier to get into, but I'd like a little more depth in mech control... like the original, but maybe a little easier, haha.
I'm so freaking excited right now I could pee my pants. But that wouldn't be very warrior-like of me ....

Seriously, though, I have long awaited something new from the Mech Warrior universe. This is the best stinkin' news I've read in a LONG time. Looks like Blizzard can just kiss my *** with their non-LAN bullcrap. I'll spend my money on these new games when they come out, as they look to be fun as all heck.

I paid FULL price for StarCraft when it came out brand new, full price for WC2 and WC3 (and their expansions) and I played every one of those on a LAN. I really hope Blizzard reconsiders. Otherwise I'll just save up for these games instead.

I already like the C&C RTS games a lot. I really liked C&C 3 and the expansion, actually quite a bit more than RA3.
Double Awesome.
A MechWarrior game set before the clan invasion for once looks promising.

And as long as EA doesn't slap SecuROM on C&C4, it's a definite must buy for me.
Mechwarrior! The Xbox games were great installments in their own right, and this looks to top even those.

Thanks for the news.
[citation][nom]japnoise99[/nom]Xbox 260?[/citation]
MS is taking a tinny step back with the numbering convention and the nect console will be the 260... Unless this is some error you'd expect anyone who's seen the current gen consoles to catch.

Meckwarrior, AWESOME! Next I just need to get Sierra to reboot the Earthsiege/Starsiege franchise and I'll be in heaven!
To this day I still listen to the Mechwarrior 2 audio track from the CD (converted to MP3 of course). It's the best battle music I've heard in a game.
Co-op would be cool, but they need more mechs than that and hopefully it will have deep customization. Now if only they'll make a good Shadowrun game.
I cannot wait, this is what separates the men from the boys in PC gaming. Its been awhile but i am definitely looking forward to this new mechwarrior game as well as C&C4, hopefully they add new units to the gameplay to spice it up a bit.
Yeah Mechwarrior! 😀

I loved the Mechwarrior and mechcommander series of games, I havent been this excited about a future release in years.

Fighting the Kurita forces will be great and then hopefully a sequel with the clan invasions. I just hope that there is a big selection of mechs and that a dual console release wont end up gimping the pc version.
Mechwarrior is godly awsome :)

I hope they bring back the ease of use that mechwarrior 3 had. The mechs were much easier to pilot in that then in 4. I've had many a good time in online m3 matches. M4 never piqued my interest as much because of controls.

I remember my old shadowcat 45t with dual uac20's ... flip a daishi in one hit, kill it in another. Good times.

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