I loves me some MechWarrior. I still have fond memories of the original. I just hope and pray that they return to the more simulator-style gameplay than the arcadey BS that MW4 was. Although with this being developed for PC & XBox360 I'm not very hopeful.
This MechWarrior is based on 3015 between the third and forth Succession Wars, which is quite a bit before the clan invasion. So that pretty much eliminates the possibility of a Timber Wolf (the clan name for the MadCat) and a lot of the other clan 'Mechs from 3-4 (which were both focused mostly on the clans).
The pilot video that they are using to show potential publishers only has 4 'Mechs, which means almost nothing in terms of the final product. A lot of the scale of the game, and the number of 'Mechs included, is going to depend on budget, which depends on picking up a publisher. But considering that they are planning on having roles for each of the 4 weight classes and they only showed 3 weight classes in the movie you can be guaranteed they will have more.
Saw all the trailers for the new MechWarrior and it looks promising. Just hope there will be more mech to choice from. Either way it has been a long time since I have been called upon to climb into a mech and I can't wait.
Clan Mechs are Clans were awesome, but honestly a redo of the first game suits me just fine. Give me the Marauder and my personal favorite the 85 ton BATTLEMASTER. F**k yeah!
I'll buy it if it's complicated. If I feel like I'm just drivign around a monster truck with machine guns, lasers, and rockets mounted on top it's not a mech game.
What I want is a BattleTech/MechWarrior MMO. You could start/join a merc unit, clan, or house. It could be realm vs realm and pvp. With thousands of planets and tons of factions there could be almost limitless expansions without even having to add to the current mythos. Add in armor, fighters, capitol ships, and all of the crazy board game rules. I'd be the greatest game ever... unfortunately I doubt current technology would do it justice.
[citation][nom]hillarymakesmecry[/nom]I'll buy it if it's complicated. If I feel like I'm just drivign around a monster truck with machine guns, lasers, and rockets mounted on top it's not a mech game.[/citation]
I love MechAssault!
OMG... New MechWarrior!!! I can not wait.. I will forgo every new game just to buy this one. MW was one of the best online games in existence!! MW3 was awesome, then they screwed the pooch with MW4.. They did some things right, like getting rid of the horrid lag, but the graphics looked like Fisher-Price "My First Mech" or something..... Time to redeem themselves!!
Oh.. And Stock Vulture Rocked in MW3... nothing like playing a stock game and unloading the full six banks of SR6's into the back of a MadCat and taking it out with one shot!!
[citation][nom]KT_Wasp[/nom]OMG... New MechWarrior!!! I can not wait.. I will forgo every new game just to buy this one. MW was one of the best online games in existence!! MW3 was awesome, then they screwed the pooch with MW4.. They did some things right, like getting rid of the horrid lag, but the graphics looked like Fisher-Price "My First Mech" or something..... Time to redeem themselves!!Can-Not-Wait !!![/citation]
ditto, every other game that i've been 'kinda' looking forward to can eat it! this is what's gonna make me drop a few grand into a new rig = killer app
[citation][nom]Master Exon[/nom]I'd rather have the Timber Wolf.[/citation]
This is Pre-Clan invasion. Expect to see Mechs from the succession wars IE Atlas, Jenners, Warhawks (okay these were in the trailer), Mauraders, Locusts etc
[citation][nom]tenor77[/nom]This is Pre-Clan invasion. Expect to see Mechs from the succession wars IE Atlas, Jenners, Warhawks (okay these were in the trailer), Mauraders, Locusts etc[/citation]
Lol, nobody gives a rats arse about CC4. YAY! MW lives again. Also, check out www.mechlivinglegends.net/ for some VERY cool stuff going on. It is a Crysis total conversion mod that seems to be going the right direction...
I didn't care so much for C&C.
I also don't care all too much for Mech Assault.
However, Mechwarrior was one of the games that switched me from console to PC. I preferred MW3 over 4 though.
The customization was one of the things that made it so pimp.
Chrome Hounds is the best Xbox game there is, and though they had already invested heavily into the sequal, Sega never did release it. Chrome Hounds either single player or multiplayer is one of the games that helps define what gaming should be. Easy if you want it to be, but damned hard, interactive, challenging and rewarding if you want it to be.
As a random side note, whatever happened to the game Rage Incoming? Also one of my favorite PC games. I still have the disc, though the disc is damaged beyond use ever again.
Hell, I still have my MW 4 with me. ^_^
I think I want to save up to by a Xbox mic (peice of shit...) and some gold time and go play Chrome Hounds online now...
[citation][nom]Maxor127[/nom]Co-op would be cool, but they need more mechs than that and hopefully it will have deep customization. Now if only they'll make a good Shadowrun game.[/citation]
Best Book game ever and the Genesis/SNES versions weren't too shabby either. Imagine the franchise they could build off of this game if they dusted it off. The xbox version really blew IMHO as Microsoft tried very poorely to turn it into an fps....very bad move. Get those wizards from FASA up and out of bed as many of my friends would love to see that happen. I'm not holding my breath though.
Mechwarrior, the original(running on the old 386DX machine) was by far the funnest for me and would love to see something similar to the original title.
when these mechwarrior games let players customize the mechs then i just load them with as many medium lasers as i possibly can with no other weapons and then i just blow off one of my enemy's legs with one simultaneous fire shot. they can't even hit me once after that. i love doing that.
[citation][nom]ViPr[/nom]when these mechwarrior games let players customize the mechs then i just load them with as many medium lasers as i possibly can with no other weapons and then i just blow off one of my enemy's legs with one simultaneous fire shot. they can't even hit me once after that. i love doing that.[/citation]
I used to do that a lot as well. I've started to stray from that once I get up higher in Mechs where I can afford to waste a slot on Case and heavier weapons.
Also anyone else ever load up on flamers and just torch the mech into overheating- and eventually going nova?
glad they're going back to the tiberium wars story and i hope they keep that class of graphics going as well since Red Alert 3 was craptacular! it didn't live up to the greatness of Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge at all..
mechwarrior always seemed too complicated to me but after such a long stretch of having way too easy games... it'll be nice and i really would like a robot simulator game anyway since there are no spaceship/sim games worth crap at the moment.
Cant Wait, it will be brilliant to be able to fight in the Battletech universe again.
On the issue of the MW4 controls, they were rubbish until you remapped them, but if you did remap it became a very good game, especially with being set in the Civil war and being able to alter the outcome.
[citation][nom]midnightgun[/nom]They should have used the Mechwarrier name / franchise to make a holywood movie first.Then used the buzz to sell the games.[/citation]
Yuck! movie tie-in games? Because they are always high quality...
Mechwarrior has been a highly successful franchise for years, it doesnt need a movie to sell new games. All my PC gaming friends love the Mechwarrior games, and if a new game is done well it will be cery successful.