New memory


Jul 11, 2007
Hi, yesterday I posted a new topic about buying a motherboard, now I just need to know what memory to buy because I really dont want to regreat when I buy it. Im thinking of Geil 4Gb DDRII ( 2x 2Gb ) Kit 800MHz.

type of memory - DDR2
size of memory - 4 GB (2x2GB)
frequency - 800MHz
cooling - yes
other- PC6400
CL5 5-5-15 Latency
240pin, Un-buffered DDR2 DIMM
Sorry, website is in Slovenian language. So what do you think, is it worth buying it? The whole Pc with the memory is just as much as I can afoard so it has a perfect price.


I found this Corsair memory Corsair DDR2 2GB 800MHz (TWIN2X2048-6400C4 2x1GB) and I thought that I could buy 2 pieces and would have 4Gb ram, but I dont know if that is possible or good? Corsair is better I think.

All same as geil only this:
4-4-4-12 Latency
2x240 DIMM


And this Geil DDR2 Ultra 2GB 800 MHz and Latency 4-4-4-12. This is not a 2x1Gb version, that means I could have only 2 of them for 4Gb ram. What should I do now?

Board: Asus P5KC

Sorry for my English.

<3 Swosh
Just be sure your OS recognises 4Gb. This problem sometimes happens with 32bit OS. Also, allegedly 1Gb sticks have better performance than 2Gb sticks. On the other hand some people say that it is recommeded to have 2 sticks rather than 4 since it would reduce access time (2 less than 4). I think it would make no difference in real life. So, maybe after checking copatibility with the mobo, go for the less expensive, OC and change latencies?