New Mobo and my Vista that came with Acer

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Jan 17, 2009
I have pretty legitimate question about an Acer desktop computer (M1100), it came with Vista home basic on a partition on the Hard drive.
Now I'm rebuilding my Rig with a new AM2+ mobo for my Phenom X4 processor, becuase the mobo that came with this desktop computer is only AM2 socket. So If I put a new mobo in this case and reconnect everything, and turn it on, will my Vista still work with it? Or will vista say I'm having a pirated/illegal copy or something like that becuase it the OS is using some identifying serial number off the old Mobo?
Well as dm says it won't likely boot at all because you have new mobo which uses different drivers for the drive controllers and the like

so, when you reinstall Vista you will get a message that it needs to be activated and can't because it appears to be on a different computer at which point you have the option to call MS with a supplied phone number, so call them and explain that your old MOBO died and you are simply putting in a replacement board and they should give you the OK to activate.
Okay thanks for your input people. I did however learn about OEM after much reading I didin't know about before I started this thread, this is what I have, so Yes I will have to call them and hopefully they reactivated my new mother board to work.
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