Question New Mobo installation


Nov 5, 2016
So I am getting a new mobo and cpu. my windows 10 isnt an OEM version so I can put it straight across but my quesiton is.... Do I need to wipe all my hard drives so a complete system reset or can I just format the hard drive windows 10 is installed on, take out old mobo and cpu and put new mobo and cpu in and then reinstall windows back on the SSD? As I don't want to really have to install all my games etc again. Thanks
You'll still have to re-install your games in that scenario, but if they are something like Steam games it won't have to re-download them.

If the systems are similar enough you might be able to get away with just swapping the board and letting the drivers re-install. You can help this by uninstalling as many drivers as you can before shutting down before the swap.

But it is most recommended to do a fresh install to avoid any potential problems. All your data will be preserved, but the Windows registry won't know about the previously installed software.
So even if my games are installed on a different ssd or hdd? As I have 3 drives which 1 is for little things and my OS. I have an Asus z170i atm and switching to a ASUS ROG Strixb360 I due to needing a new mobo for the cpu. I've done a full mobo change before but just trying to find a way to not have to reinstall all game or lose game data as I don't really back stuff up as it snot massively important to me but saves time.
Intel to Intel usually goes pretty well. And there isn't much difference between skylake and coffelake, May I ask what CPU you are switching to, it may be more sensible to pick up an i7-7700k, a little overclock, and call it a day. You are giving up an overclocking board for one that doesn't.

You could try the route of just swapping the board and trying to boot. It can work. You'll probably still need to re-activate windows. Worst case you'll have to call their activation line. It is fully automated and you only have to talk to a live person if it isn't automatically authenticated.

Bit of an extreme example, what with only running 1080p, but:

Here you can see the i7-7700k compared to the likes of the i5-9600k and i7-8700k. The field isn't that widespread. (They have other charts you can look at)
Ah I didn't realise to board doesn't overclock, but they're out my price range for the oc ones as hitting over £20. I'm getting the i7 8700k which should be fine even when not over clocking. Thanks for the support.
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