Question New Monitor's OSD won't stay on ?

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Nov 18, 2013
I've just replaced my Viewsonic VP2770 monitor with a Viewsonic VP3256. For the life of me I cannot get the OSD to stay on, it's just a flash and then it's gone. I would like to adjust the time-out. Sadly, I called ViewSonic and no help. Thanks.
Have you tried accesing it without it being hooked up to pc? You can try to use the vdisplay manager download to see if it helps, along with other drivers that may help also.
I just got off the phone with Viewsonic, they think the panel is defective. I was told it should stay on for 15 seconds and you can extend that in the main menu. All I get is a flash of the OSD. I will try your suggestion before I return tomorrow. I like the monitor I just would like to get to the finer details, the vDisplay does not let me change the color space. Thanks.

Update: Tried your suggestion unhooked, the only OSD panel was for the input...would not go to any other sections of the menu.
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